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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Golden opportunity to participate in AIGV seva !!
६ मे रोजी बापूंचे रामराज्य २०२५ या विषयावर प्रवचन झाले आणि अनिरुध्दाज् इन्सिट्युट ऑफ ग्रामीण विकासाचे काम वेगाने सुरु झाले. थोड्याच दिवसात या कामाचा आढावा घेण्यासाठी स्वतः परमपूज्य बापू, नंदाई आणि सुचितदादा गोविद्यापीठम् ला आले.
ग्रामविकासाच्या या कार्यामध्ये असणार्या जलसंधारण, वनीकरण, पशुपालन तसेच सेंद्रिय शेती या विविध घटकांची कामे आता गोविद्यापीठ्म येथे सुरु होत आहेत. त्याचाच एक भाग म्हणून बाभूळ (Acacia Arabica), घाणेरी किंवा टणटणी (Lantana) यांची रोपे तयार करायची आहेत . ज्या ज्या श्रध्दावानांना अशी रोपे तयार करण्याची इच्छा आहे त्यांनी लवकरात लवकर अशी रोपे तयार करून गुरुवारी श्रीहरिगुरुग्राम येथे अथवा कोणत्याही दिवशी गोविद्यापीठम् येथे जमा करावीत. रोपांच्या संख्येचे बंधन नसल्याने कितीही रोपे तयार करून आपण वरील ठिकाणी जमा करु शकता.
आता बघूया ही रोपे कशी तयार करायची
घाणेरी किंवा टणटणी (Lantana)
घाणेरीची रोपे तयार करण्यासाठी घाणेरीच्या झाडाची साधारण पेन्सिल एवढ्या जाडीची काडी निवडा. ही काडी तिरकी कापून घ्या म्हणजे मातीमध्ये ती पटकन रुजते. साधारण एक फुट ऊंचीची काडी कापून घ्या. या काडीवर शक्यतो २/३ डोळे आहेत याची खात्री करा. डोळे म्हणजे ज्या ठिकाणी नविन पाने फुटतात अशी जागा. नंतर या काडीवर फक्त दोनच पाने ठेवून बाकीची पाने काढून टाका.
आता कुंडी किंवा पिशवी घेऊन त्याला खाली २/३ भोके पाडा. त्यानंतर त्यामध्ये चांगली नर्सरी माती व शेणखत अथवा गांडूळखत समप्रमाणात घेऊन कुंडी किंवा पिशवी भरुन घ्या. त्यामध्ये ही घाणेरीची काडी लावा व लगेच हलके पाणी द्या. अशी तयार झालेली कुंडी किंवा पिशवी आडोश्याला परंतू भरपूर सूर्यप्रकाश मिळेल अशारितीने ठेवा. दररोज या कुंडीला किंवा पिशवीला पाणी घाला. साधारण ४/५ पाने फुटल्यावर ही रोपे गुरुवारी श्रीहरिगुरुग्राम येथे अथवा कोणत्याही दिवशी गोविद्यापीठम् येथे जमा करावीत.
बाभूळ (Acacia Arabica)
बाभळीची रोपे तयार करण्यासाठी बाभळीच्या बिया गरम पाण्यात भिजत टाका त्या सुमारे २४ ते ३० तास भिजू द्या म्हणजे त्या लवकर रुजतील.
आता कुंडी किंवा पिशवी घेऊन त्याला खाली २/३ भोके पाडा. त्यानंतर त्यामध्ये चांगली नर्सरी माती व शेणखत अथवा गांडूळखत समप्रमाणात घेऊन कुंडी किंवा पिशवी भरुन घ्या. त्यामध्ये एका कुंडीत किंवा पिशवीत २ या प्रमाणे ह्या भिजलेल्या बिया लावा. शक्यतो बिया लावण्याच्या जागी जास्तीत जास्त शेणखत किंवा गांडूळखत असू द्या म्हणजे बिया पटकन रुजतील त्यानंतर लगेच हलके पाणी द्या. अशी तयार झालेली कुंडी किंवा पिशवी आडोश्याला परंतू भरपूर सूर्यप्रकाश मिळेल अशारितीने ठेवा. दररोज या कुंडीला किंवा पिशवीला पाणी घाला. रोपे साधारण अर्धा/एक फूटाचे झाल्यावर ही रोपे गुरुवारी श्रीहरिगुरुग्राम येथे अथवा कोणत्याही दिवशी गोविद्यापीठम् येथे जमा करावीत.
अनिरुद्धाज इन्स्टीट्यूट ऑफ ग्राम विकासाला गावठी गुलाबांच्या रोपांची आवश्यकता आहे. सेवेत सहभागी होऊ इच्छिणार्यांनी आपल्या घरीच गावठी गुलाबाची रोपे बनवून श्री हरिगुरुग्राम येथे अथवा अहिल्या संघात जमा करावीत. गावठी गुलाबाची रोपे उपलब्ध नसतील तर कुठल्याही गुलाबाची रोपे देखील चालतील. Sunday, March 20, 2011
Eco Friendly Idols
Eco Friendly Idols or Lord Ganesh (Shree, Ganapati) made from Paper Maché (pulp) by the Aniruddha Upasana Trust.
Eco friendly Ganpati Procedure :-
With the grace of P. P. Aniruddha Bapu, Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Upasana Trust has prepared 3500 Eco friendly Ganesha Idols last year.
So lets serve our motherland and save the nature. Paper pulp is currently made from Ram Naam Books. (Ram Naam Books:-In this book we have to write down the Jap which is mention on the particular page e.g. 'RAM', 'SHREE RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM', 'DATTAGURU', 'KRISHNA', 'JAI JAI ANIRUDDHA HARI'. After the completion of the book, its writer have to submit the book to Ram Naam Bank office. All these submitted book papers are use to prepare eco friendly Ganpati) Normal news paper can also be used.
12, 15, 18, 24, 30 & 4 feet.
How to Book : This is absolutely advance booking process, minimum of 2 months advance in the booking centres.
You can contact on the following address for the same.
Shree Aniruddha Aadesh Pathak, 503- Link Apt, khari Village,
S.V. Road Old Khar,Khar (w), Mumbai - 52. Phone No: 022-26054474
Eco friendly Ganpati Procedure :-
With the grace of P. P. Aniruddha Bapu, Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Upasana Trust has prepared 3500 Eco friendly Ganesha Idols last year.
So lets serve our motherland and save the nature. Paper pulp is currently made from Ram Naam Books. (Ram Naam Books:-In this book we have to write down the Jap which is mention on the particular page e.g. 'RAM', 'SHREE RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM', 'DATTAGURU', 'KRISHNA', 'JAI JAI ANIRUDDHA HARI'. After the completion of the book, its writer have to submit the book to Ram Naam Bank office. All these submitted book papers are use to prepare eco friendly Ganpati) Normal news paper can also be used.
- How to make paper pulp:
- Remove the water content from the paper pulp. Spread the paper pulp to attain uniformity.
- Take 250 gms of Gum Arabic in steel utensil. Add 1.25 liters of water.
- Then keep the utensil on medium heat, boil it for 10-15 minutes. Keep stirring with the help of wooden stick throughout.
- Filter the Gum Arabic after it cools down. Take 500gms of the paper pulp. Pour in the filtered gum arabic. Merged it is properly.
- Then add 2.25 kg of white ink powder. Make this mixture soft and firm as textured dough. Clean the mould with water and dry it.
- For fiber mold, apply Oil and Soap mixture from within. If it is a rubber mould apply Natural Shell Dust.
- Take the paper maché and roll it in a circular form with 1 feet radius. Use Natural Shell Dust while rolling. Keep the rolled paper maché on the mould and start pressing it, with help of stencil brush. Remove the excess paper maché.
- Press the paper maché with your hands, so that the impressions of the mould would get embossed properly. In case you see any gaps, fill up the same with small piece of paper maché.
- Merge it properly from all sides, so that it doesnt look like a patch. In this manner, you can fill up the front side and back side of the idol.
- Stick the paper pieces with the help of binding gum, leaving 1-inch distance from the border. While sticking see to it that there are no air bubbles in between.
- Apply 2 to 3 layers of paper pieces. Seal the border with long dough strands. Join the mould and tighten it. Seal the inner joints and the base with this long dough strands.
- Use Gum Arabic for sticking. In this manner you can also fill up the Lord Ganeshas hands. Keep the mould for drying for 1 to 1.5 days in sunlight.
- Slowly open the mould either from the face portion or from the middle portion. Remove each part one by one.
- To smoothen the surface of Ganesha use of 80 & 120 polish paper. Be careful while polishing, else the ornaments will get defaced. For joining of Ganesha hands, use paper maché and Gum Arabic.
- After joining of Ganesha hands with the help of polish paper or metal file smoothen the joints.
12, 15, 18, 24, 30 & 4 feet.
How to Book : This is absolutely advance booking process, minimum of 2 months advance in the booking centres.
You can contact on the following address for the same.
Shree Aniruddha Aadesh Pathak, 503- Link Apt, khari Village,
S.V. Road Old Khar,Khar (w), Mumbai - 52. Phone No: 022-26054474
Eco-Friendly Activites
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Eco-Friendly Activites
We are all so habituated to using things for ourselves that we hardly realise that we are inviting a terrifying future for not only us but also for the generations to come. ‘Use & amp; throw’ has become the mantra of today.
If anyone asks what do you do to save planet earth, we give a very casual answer, what can we do alone? We do not realise if every one says, then who will do?
Amongst the few who do and not just say, Shree Aniruddha Upasna Foundation with its affiliated organisations and the Aniruddha’s Academy of Disaster Management (AADM) is a leading organisation which speaks through its work.
The Organisation under the guidance of Dr. Aniruddha Joshi, foundly known as Param Pujya Aniruddha Bapu, has successfully implemented various projects for conservation of the environment and general awareness among both the urban and rural people.
Under the guidance of P P Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu, several seva projects are implemented as part of the 13 point unique programme, Raddi yojana is one of them.
Use paper bags instead of non-biodegradable plasticDevotees of P. P. Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu, instead of selling old/used newspapers/magazines/notebooks as scrap, donate the same to the Shree Aniruddha Upasana Foundation.
Old paper collected from people is converted into paper bags to use instead of non-biodegradable plastic. Paper pulp is used to make articles for distribution to needy students as incentive to go to school.
The project was first started at the residence of volunteers, who created vermiculture bins from household items and with an initial ‘seed’ provided by the Aniruddha’s Academy of Disaster Management .
•Naval Dockyard (Colaba)
•Central Railway Workshop (Matunga)
•FDC Ltd. (Jogeshwari)
•Maharashtra State Bank
•DIL Ltd (Thane)
•Bhavans College (Andheri)
•IES School (Marol)
•Dr. Sarvapaali Radhakrishnan Vidyalaya,
•Thane Mahanagar Palika School, etc.
The basic aims and objectives of this project are:
1. Working towards a better environment by disposing off garbage and waste in a productive manner.
2. Production of vermicompost through Vermiculture technology which can be put to effective use for:
•Tree Plantation project
•The supply of the produce to the drought prone areas and needy farmers.
3. Zero garbage – Today each country speeds lakhs of rupees for solid waste management. By using vermiculture we can divert the use of this funds to productive use and thus leading to economic development of the count.
If anyone asks what do you do to save planet earth, we give a very casual answer, what can we do alone? We do not realise if every one says, then who will do?
Amongst the few who do and not just say, Shree Aniruddha Upasna Foundation with its affiliated organisations and the Aniruddha’s Academy of Disaster Management (AADM) is a leading organisation which speaks through its work.
The Organisation under the guidance of Dr. Aniruddha Joshi, foundly known as Param Pujya Aniruddha Bapu, has successfully implemented various projects for conservation of the environment and general awareness among both the urban and rural people.
Under the guidance of P P Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu, several seva projects are implemented as part of the 13 point unique programme, Raddi yojana is one of them.
Use paper bags instead of non-biodegradable plastic

These are then converted into such useful articles, as paper bags. Further, paper pulp made out of this paper is used to make articles such as Word chart, toys and alphabetical blocks, which are distributed to poor students as an incentive for them to attend school.
Vermiculture means artificial cultivation of earthworms. Vermicompost is the excreta of earthworms which is considered as one of the most effective and environment friendly fertilizers, without any harmful side effect.
Earthworms eat cow dung and other solid wastes like household garbage and give out vermicompost. Municipal waste and non-toxic solid and liquid waste generated by industries can also similarly be converted into vermicompost. Earthworms not only convert garbage into valuable manure but also keep the environment healthy.
The project was first started at the residence of volunteers, who created vermiculture bins from household items and with an initial ‘seed’ provided by the Aniruddha’s Academy of Disaster Management .
Following is the list of places where the Academy has conducted Vermiculture Training sessions in Mumbai .
•SEBI•Naval Dockyard (Colaba)
•Central Railway Workshop (Matunga)
•FDC Ltd. (Jogeshwari)
•Maharashtra State Bank
•DIL Ltd (Thane)
•Bhavans College (Andheri)
•IES School (Marol)
•Dr. Sarvapaali Radhakrishnan Vidyalaya,
•Thane Mahanagar Palika School, etc.
The basic aims and objectives of this project are:
1. Working towards a better environment by disposing off garbage and waste in a productive manner.
2. Production of vermicompost through Vermiculture technology which can be put to effective use for:
•Tree Plantation project
•The supply of the produce to the drought prone areas and needy farmers.
3. Zero garbage – Today each country speeds lakhs of rupees for solid waste management. By using vermiculture we can divert the use of this funds to productive use and thus leading to economic development of the count.
Eco-Friendly Activites
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