A chemical fertilizer is a fertilizer comprising chemically refined or otherwise processed compounds. Manufacturers create chemical fertilizers from inorganic materials, with the goal being to replicate (and increase the potency of) natural, organic nutrients. Many environmentalists are against the use of chemical fertilizers, as they can produce several negative environmental effects.
- Infertile Soil : The synthesized materials manufacturers use in their chemical fertilizers may help plants grow, but they do not help the soil they grow in.The unnaturally high levels of nutrients that some chemical fertilizers contain can oversaturate soil and cancel out the effectiveness of other vital nutrients.
- Infertile Soil : The synthesized materials manufacturers use in their chemical fertilizers may help plants grow, but they do not help the soil they grow in.The unnaturally high levels of nutrients that some chemical fertilizers contain can oversaturate soil and cancel out the effectiveness of other vital nutrients.
- Acidic Soil : Another way chemical fertilizers can make soil infertile is by increasing its acidity. Many chemical fertilizers contain sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, which if used in excess can cause serious harm to microorganisms (specifically the type that helps supply plants with nitrogen).
- This can have a serious impact on the soil's pH and adversely affect plant growth.The acid in the earth converts the soil to matter that is unable to absorb water.
- Physically, chemical fertilizer makes the soil stiff and clumpy. This weakens the roots of the plants as the soil looses its ventilative organization. Also, the soil looses its ability to hold warmth and water when these fertilizers are used.
- Increased Microorganisms : Nitrogen-rich chemical fertilizers can have the complete opposite effect on soil in comparison to more acidic fertilizers. Too much nitrogen can lead to a microorganism population boom. In large enough numbers, these microorganisms, instead of helping plants, will hurt them, as they will consume all of the organic material and nutrients in the surrounding soil.
- Groundwater Pollution : Plants can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients. So if you over apply a chemical fertilizer, not all of the chemically synthesized nutrients within it will actually contribute to the plant's health and growth. Instead, the unused fertilizer will seep into the ground, where it can be carried by rain and irrigation ditches into streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and oceans. The chemical compounds in the fertilizer can contaminate drinking water supplies and disrupt ecosystems.
- Salt Burns : Chemical fertilizers are often very salty. The over-application of chemical fertilizers can thus contribute to plants developing unsightly "salt burns." These occur when an over saturation of salt leads to certain areas of the plant becoming dehydrated, and plant tissues dry out.
- Excess Growth : Due to the high potency of chemical fertilizers, they can sometimes lead to plants becoming too big for their own health.
- Larger limbs and thicker foliage translates to a considerable increase weight, which can put stress on a plant's roots.
Harmful Effects On Humans :
Farmers applying such chemicals to their crops soon feel their affects and
become unhealthy, fall into depression (as these chemicals act on their brain) and
loose their desire to work.
This drains the farmer of the energy needed to make organic compost forcing them to turn to easily applied chemical fertilizers. This cycle continues endlessly.
become unhealthy, fall into depression (as these chemicals act on their brain) and
loose their desire to work.
This drains the farmer of the energy needed to make organic compost forcing them to turn to easily applied chemical fertilizers. This cycle continues endlessly.
These chemicals enter our body through our mouths, respiratory systems, and skin. This adversely affects the functioning of our internal organs (autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, sense organs, etc.), and eventually (within ten to thirty years), the chemicals act to destroy all systems of the human body.
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